GLOverse – Digitalize your GCC Ecosystem
All GCC’s need a digital environment that integrates all decision critical data that is mostly dispersed across systems of record into one single platform, providing end-to-end visibility to the operations, thereby, facilitating superior executive decision-making and oversight. GLOverse enables you to run a well-managed global sourcing program.
Full Lifecycle Support: GLOverse encompasses every stage of the GCC program from Strategy to Implementation and then onto Maturity.
Demand Management & Work Transition: GLOverse provides a structured approach for selecting work to move to the GCC and then assist in executing a flawless migration.
Superior Performance: GLOverse provides key industry benchmark data of comparable GCCs, that allow you to compare and improve the performance of your center.
Accelerating Maturity and Value: GLOverse provides frameworks and tools that allow you to optimize your GCC and drive the most value.
Valuable Decision Support: GLOverse provides the next-generation digital frameworks for your GCC program that cover every aspect of the business, including, Financials, Location, Talent, Compliance.
Elevated Governance and Oversight: GLOverse provides you with complete transparency of your offshore operations with custom dashboards and Early Warning Systems.
Effective Risk Management: GLOverse allows you to actively manage risks and issues with advanced control design and associated data.
Effective Collaboration: The GCC program requires various functions and geographies across the enterprise along with an ecosystem of vendor partners to efficiently work together to deliver a superior outcome. It orchestrates all the stakeholders to ensure the successful build and run of this strategic part of your enterprise.
Secure Document Repository: GLOverse can be the System Of Record for your Global Sourcing program, as it manages all your documents and artifacts to ensure that your offshore program is audit-ready at any point in time.