Let us do an Assessment of your Existing GCC
It is recommended to periodically evaluate the performance of the GCC and its readiness to deliver to the goals and objectives of the enterprise.
Our exhaustive research shows that there are 20 primary causal factors which significantly influence these 12 key outcomes. These factors range from simple elements like Span of Control, which impacts Cost, Operating Efficiency, Delivery Capability, among others, all the way to the GCC Brand, which impacts Key Talent Retention, Talent Attraction, Diversity, among others.
Gloplax had developed a proprietary multi-variant model structured around the 20 primary causal factors and over 100+ sub-factors which are correlated to outcomes.
Gloplax Transformation framework provides an implementable roadmap to address causal factors / sub-factors that would not only allow the GCC to attain the desired outcomes, but also accelerate the maturity of the program.