Gloplax Delivery Ecosystem

We at Gloplax, with our in-depth hands-on experience and expertise have understood that the success of a global sourcing program depends upon the choice of the “right” building blocks to Design and Deliver a global sourcing platform.
The diagram below is useful in understanding the stacking up and organizing of these building blocks:
1.Program Management
2.Business Delivery management
3.Offloading support services to Gloplax
4.Management reporting
5.Governance, Risk, Management and Oversight
When setting up a global sourcing program, multiple aspects need to be thought through. the image above gives you a peak into how this can be organized. This will help reduce the complexity of building and running the global sourcing program by understanding the suite of capabilities which allows one to choose the “right” building blocks to support the needs of the organization.
A well-designed program, supported with the right frameworks / tools, is critical to success. The Global Sourcing program needs to consistently provide the expected level of performance.
Gloplax enables companies to build and operate high performing global sourcing platforms by establishing sustainable talent eco-systems, developing strong cultural alignment, adopting robust governance & risk management by leveraging our transformational capabilities through a focus on effectiveness, efficiency, and experience.