Global Sourcing – Benefits

Enterprises reap numerous benefits from global sourcing when they relocate their business operations to overseas locations. Lower labor costs or cost arbitrage remains the prime motivator for enterprises to relocate their operations to offshore locations. Benefit of Global sourcing is that it makes a good business practice for business owners if offshore workers can do the same type of work as their onshore counterparts for much lower costs. Cost arbitrage is especially beneficial for labor-intensive businesses such as manufacturing and services, where optimizing labor expenses can help in reducing costs of operations, increasing revenues, and maximizing income. Enterprises can benefit from relocating their operations to countries/ locations that offer tax breaks and other financial benefits. Many offshore destinations offer tax holidays and financial incentives to stimulate growth of offshoring and business process outsourcing. Given the evolving nature of businesses and the global customer base that enterprises have, it is important to cover multiple time zones to ensure a seamless customer experience. By offshoring operations and customer services, enterprises can cover multiple time zones not handled by their existing or onshore operations through offshore subsidiaries or by hiring offshore service providers that offer 24/7 operations. The difference between successful enterprises and the also-ran is the quality of the workforce. Offshoring affords enterprises ready-access and availability of skilled labor, proficient in languages and with minimal or no communication barriers.

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