Global sourcing – Potential Risks
Global Sourcing has multiple advantages which has, over the years, provided immense value to enterprises. Enterprises came to accrue benefits arising out of cost arbitrage but have stayed on because of the availability of talent, ideas, and innovation. However, one cannot ignore the risks associated with global sourcing/offshoring and it is imperative to understand, manage and mitigate them.
Choosing the Right Partner is crucial to successful outsourcing. Technology and Talent are relatively easy fixes, but does your partner have the experience and the expertise to manage complex deliverables and to handle tight timelines? Not only should they be passionate, but they need to be flexible to understand and prioritize business-critical deliverables.
Does your partner understand Security issues and concerns around Data Privacy? Global organizations are subject to laws of the land, and it is important to understand them. This concern multiplies when you are hiring someone from another country who does not abide by the laws of your own country.
Offshoring being a people-intensive business, it is important to know how to manage and grow Remote Teams. Failure to do so can create a communication gap between you and your outsourced team. A mismanaged and unmotivated remote team can lead to unmet deadlines and unhappy customers, a scenario best avoided.
Offshoring offers multiple advantages, however, like everything else, it has its own risks. But do not let that stop you from helping your business grow. All you need to do is partner with companies which have the necessary experience and expertise to not only strategize but execute the roadmap to deliver a seamless offshoring experience.