Global Sourcing – The Philippines

As with India, The Philippines has also emerged as one of the favourite offshoring destinations. The Business Process Outsourcing industry in The Philippines is one of the leading service industries which is well-supported by the Government.

The Philippines is the preferred destination for offshoring voice-based services. The country has been recorded to have a wide range of population with an acquired American English accent than any other country in Asia. Clubbed with a comparatively more cost-effective labour rate and a work ethic to boast, The Philippines remains a top pick of almost all global sourcing companies. The Business Process Outsourcing sector continuously provides positive trajectory in the country ‘s economy due to its global leadership in voice-based services along with the sustainable advancements in non-voice and complex process offshoring.

The government strongly supports investments in infrastructure, outsourcing and offshoring by implementing government programs that offer incentives such as tax holidays, tax exemptions, and simplified export and import procedures. As a key industry, Business Process Outsourcing in The Philippines is supported by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the Information Technology and Business Process Association of The Philippines (IBPAP) which administer BPO-focused training programs.