Global Sourcing – Enterprise Change Management
Outsourcing and/or Offshoring, apart from being a business imperative, is also one which is mired with emotions and politics. Moving operations and/or jobs offshore is often seen as harming the onshore economy, job losses, the enterprises’ focus on short-term profits and for some it is grossly unpatriotic.Enterprise Change Management is an important aspect of Outsourcing and/or offshoring. This is because outsourcing and/ or offshoring faces resistance at various levels and at various stages of the process. This is because enterprises fail to pay adequate attention to management issues arising out of outsourcing and/or offshoring to distant shores. With outsourcing and/or offshoring representing substantial business transformation, it is important that enterprises implement a dedicated change management process. The ideal solution is to anticipate changes and the resistance an enterprise can face as it outsourcesand/or offshore its operations.The Change Management process should anticipate, at least in the short-term, for an impact on people resulting in decreased efficiencies and productivity, increase in expenses as enterprises transition from one team to another, and some negative perceptions questioning the enterprises’ focus and long-term objectives.An experienced partner like Gloplax can, by anticipating such hurdles and the resistance, not only help avoid potential problems but also plan for and implement an effective outsourcing change management strategy.