Global Sourcing / Offshoring – Talent Benefits

Enterprises offshored to take advantage of cost arbitrage but continued to stay because of the abundance of talent. Once countries like India and Philippines realized the potential of the Business Process Management industry, there were concerted efforts to attract talent.

Why go through all the trouble and cost of hiring in-house when you can easily and quickly reach out to an offshore development team? Offshoring gives enterprises access to a much larger pool of talent which can help them scale operations to unprecedented levels.

Companies often take on short-term projects and it becomes very expensive for them to maintain a full development team, regardless of whether there is an ongoing project or not. In such instances, hiring a third-party service provider gives you instant access to talent which would have been impossible had the enterprise scouted around in their home location.

Another advantage with offshoring work to other locations is the knowledge that such teams bring with them. It allows an enterprise to manage tight deadlines and busy work schedules but could lead to significant reduction in time to market.

Having a global footprint allows an enterprise to utilise the efficiencies of the local talent pool. It not only allows enterprises access to niche talent; it also allows them access to skill sets that are just plain-old hard to find.

Combined with the lower rates, the argument is a no-brainer. Recruiting world-class talent requires an experienced hand, but in India and the Philippines, there’s an extremely accessible pool of talent to get you started.