Engage with Gloplax

Virtual GCC – We perform all the activities that are required to Setup and Run the GCC

This would include all the support functions as well:

Human Resources (including Recruitment, Payroll, etc.)

Finance & Accounting

Legal & Compliance

Risk Management & Controls

Facilities Management & Administration

Procurement  & Vendor Management

Branding & Communication

Asset Management

IT support (L1 – EUC)

Corporate Social Responsibility

Advantages of a Virtual GCC:

Program-ready Leadership

Speed of implementation with adequate flexibility

Robust understanding of local needs and compliances

Strong talent pool in line with ENBD needs

Extended team with ENBD Vision, Values and Culture

Provisioning the best facilities and vendor services for ENBD

Allows ENBD to focus Delivery not worry about the support functions

Low capexlow risk models to get started on your GCC  journey

Superior Tools and Frameworks for Effectiveness, Efficiency & Experience


Hosted GCC

We also offer a variation of the Virtual GCC where the company may  want to setup a legal entity of your own. Consequently, all Delivery staff would be part of company’s offshore entity.  But it is identical to the Hosted GCC in every other way.

Advantages of a Hosted GCC:

Complete ownership of all Delivery staff with better control on IP

Provides future flexibility for future business

Strengthens the brand for strategic leverage


Assisted GCC

Gloplax will initially staff all support functions using their own expert resources, including all functional leaders and the site head (if required).  This allows the GCC to accelerate the setup and stablize the operation much faster.  After a pre-determined period, the company may opt for building the support functions within its own organization. These staff will get trained & coached by Gloplax staff for a few months so that they can easily perform the support activities when Gloplax exits.

The company and Gloplax need to arrive at an exit strategy.  Once the timing of exit is finalized, the support leadership (including the site lead) is going to be hired into the company so that they can take handover from Gloplax support leadership.  The company and Gloplax may agree to a phased exit schedule wherein the more stable functions exit first and the others follow in a phased manner