Gloplax outlines stages of a GCC/GIC

The most important aspect that we focus on when partnering with you on your journey is to help state the objective or the expected outcome for which the company is considering offshoring. Its important to understand and state the problem that the company is trying to solve. In addition, we understand the opportunities that can help to create the investment needed, determine the time horizon to hit production or BAU and all of this while navigating through the cultural challenges of operating in a different country. All these elements will form the base of the strategy for the offshore program. 

The next step then is execution of the offshoring strategy. This can be grouped under the following broad steps:
Initiate or Build the Foundation: Build the leadership, set up a strong governance program, establish relationships, define and build a talent strategy, build infrastructure, cultural sensitization
Stabilize or Establish Effectiveness: Formalize Operating Model, define key programs like Operational Excellence, focus on Metrics and Reporting
Mature stage is when you drive for superior business outcomes: identify and pursue business problems, invest in higher end capabilities etc.
Breakout or Leverage Transformation Capabilities: This is where simplification, innovation, sandbox approach for new proof of concepts can be taken up.

Given the execution capability of the Gloplax team, results will be achieved with the best possible outcome with mindfulness of the key areas of Effectiveness, Efficiency and Experience.